For AC Charger, we have 2 solutions for commercial Application:
Charger + Ocpp Gateway (Here we use the 7kw charger to show a example)
The 7kw commercial charger can be connected to a charging network with the help of ocpp gateway. Multiple public chargers in one location can be integrated in the network with only one internet communication connection. Then charger operation and status is monitored and controlled by existing backend or central management system.
Advantage of this solution:
a: The charger unit price is lower than then ocpp charger. (Know what is ocpp charger, please see SOLUTION 2.)
b: Save the invest cost, Each ev charging site only need one ocpp gateway. (One ocpp gateway can max connected to 12 pcs chargers.)
c:Suitable for the Parking lot (both inside and outside), Business centre, Apartment, Fleet, Ev charging Zone etc...
Disadvantage of this solution:
a: limited by the distance, what when install, the distance between the first charger and gateway should be less than 10m, and the distance between the last charger and gateway should be less than 100m.
Ocpp charger (Here we use the 7kw charger to show a example)
The 7kw ocpp charger can be connected to a charging network directly. The charger have OCPP protocol board inside the body. The charger operation and status is monitored and controlled by existing backend or central management system.
Advantage of this solution:
a: This solution is not have the distance and charger quantity limited.
b: Each charger work separate.
c: Suitable for any application scene, such as the Street, Parking lot (both inside and outside), Business centre, Apartment, Fleet, Ev charging Zone etc...
Disadvantage of this solution:
a: The charger unit price is a little higher than the charger in SOLUTION 1.
All of our DC chargers use the SOLUTION 2 internet method.( CCS2 / CCS1 / CHAdeMO / 3 GUNS IN ONE)
#ev charging station internet#4G#WIFI##Ethernet#